For funding inquiries please contact Dr. Matthew Maddess (CSC Org Div Treasurer).

Executive Committee

Chair: Jeremy Wulff (University of Victoria)

Vice Chair: Michel Gravel (University of Saskatchewan)

Treasurer: Matthew Maddess (Merck)

Secretary: Alex Speed (Dalhousie University)

Past Chair: Shawn Collins (Université de Montréal)

Communications Officer: Marc Adler (Toronto Metropolitan University)

Member-at-Large: Danica Rankic (Pfizer)

Member-at-Large: J.P. Lumb (McGill University)

Administrator of Investment Account: CSC central

click here to view the full current committee and a list of past chairs

Welcome to the Organic Division for the Canadian Society for Chemistry.  

The aim of this resource is to be a central hub for connecting anyone interested in organic chemistry within Canada. This site is for keeping up with the Canadian organic chemistry community, as well as finding and promoting Canadian conferencesjobs, and student opportunities.  

As an organization, the Organic Division:

  • has a listserv for members of the Organic Division that includes postings for jobs and postdoctoral opportunities - to subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your subscription options to the listserv, click here

  • maintains a Twitter account that posts and retweets items of interest to our community - please tag @CSCOrgDiv to relevant posts

  • approves the scientific program in organic chemistry at the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition each year

  • provides awards/prizes to students at the Canadian Chemistry Conference

  • supports regional conferences that emphasize student participation

  • is involved in advocacy for issues of importance to division members

  • participates in and facilitates outreach events across Canada