Posting via the CSC Org Div website

To post a job, submit a conference posting request, or to contact the executive committee of the CSC Organic Division, please use the form at the bottom of this page.

For job and conference postings submitted below please include:

  • a valid URL for the posting on your own site (preferred) or

  • brief details of what you would like to list on the CSC Organic Division website and you will be contacted to provide relevant pdf files.

Posting via the CSC Org Div Twitter account

Job and conference advertisements as well as other relevant items may also be distributed via the CSC Org Div Twitter account. You can use the tag @CSCOrgDiv on Twitter and we will retweet appropriate content.

Posting to the CSC Org Div List Server

To post a message to the CSC Organic Division list-server, email us. Note that all messages are moderated.

To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your subscription options, click here.

Note that the list server and the website/Twitter are moderated separately.